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Announcing the Voluntary Election Integrity Guidelines for Technology Companies. Learn more and get involved!

Tech impacts every election.

In a historic year for global elections, the International Foundation for Electoral Systems, in consultation with prominent election authorities, civil society organizations, and technology companies, is proud to launch the Voluntary Election Integrity Guidelines for Technology Companies. With more than 70 countries holding national-level elections in 2024, these guidelines provide a shared set of expectations and practices for companies and election authorities as they work to advance election integrity in a deteriorating information environment. The guidelines were released at the Summit for Democracy hosted by the Republic of Korea in Seoul.

“As billions of people go to the polls this year, it is more important than ever to protect voting rights and processes so everyone who wants to vote can be counted,” said Dr. Rajiv J. Shah, President of The Rockefeller Foundation. “The Rockefeller Foundation is proud to have hosted a convening and supported this work which can help support democracy, especially where it is developing or vulnerable, at a time when it’s under threat in many ways.”

The problem

The management of elections has been complicated by disinformation about voters’ rights and the voting process, improper political advertising, online attacks (on officials, candidates, poll workers and the integrity of the process), calls for violence, cyberattacks on elections infrastructure and trustworthy information outlets, internet throttling, disruptions and shutdowns on election day, and other myriad and rapidly evolving digital threats. While independent election authorities continue to deliver credible elections under difficult conditions, they are increasingly under attack. Yet they often have difficulty knowing how to articulate their needs for support and coordination with the technology sector, and are at a loss for how to establish channels of communication to do so.

Our response

These guidelines establish a framework for meaningful, localized engagement and support between election authorities and technology companies. They will help establish clear policies and processes to share information around elections, and ensure voters have access to high-quality information. They will also help improve communications channels between technology companies and election authorities, while reducing barriers to supporting election integrity for smaller and newer companies who aim to be responsible actors around elections.

The launch of these guidelines is the first step in a sustained effort to make incremental and practical improvements that support election integrity. We invite technology companies, be they big or small, well established or up-and-coming, to engage. Companies that provide social media platforms, cybersecurity services, telecommunications, advertising, search or AI all have a role to play. We likewise invite civil society organizations and election authorities globally to help implement, shape, and improve the guidelines.

As enshrined in the guidelines themselves, the coming year will serve as a validation and consultation period, after which the guidelines will be refined and expanded. In a quickly changing electoral and technological world, it’s important that we continue to learn and adapt as quickly as possible.

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